Hyperbaric Sales


Thomas has been more able to communicate, using words with more clarity.

Agitation decreasing, calmer demeanor.

I am seeing growth in communication at home.  The speech therapists is seeing an increase in understanding and she is able to move forward to new areas of communication.

Thomas’ understanding of feelings and ability to express them is becoming more consistent.  During the long break you recommended from HBOT,  I have continued to see permanence with focus, understanding and communication.  We are able to move forward in areas of life that  we could not before due to lack of those three areas.  Even when Thomas is sick he is able to express and communicate better than he ever could.  I have also seen an improvement with his rage.  The rage is less and more appropriate to the situation when a child would be angry.  Although his reactions to express his anger are still poor, he is better understanding the guidance on how to react.  Thomas is having regular bowel movements (once a day) without external aid about 80% of time.  This is a complete turn around.

I am also seeing improvements in Thomas’ sensory issues.  He is less sensitive to sound, sight, touch and taste.  An example:  He is able to tolerate being in a room with 18 people for about an hour and participate during the activity (with prompting) and still function after the activity.  For the first time, he is able to participate in science and art.

Thank you,


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